Learning Farm Program

The Learning Farm Program!

The purpose of this learning farm activity was because, my teacher wanted to help us learn at home without the teacher having to help us.

This month, Miss Hodson [ our lovely,awesome teacher], gave us this website called https://www.learningfarm.com/ . It is when you do some activities and if you get an amount correct you get to play a game, which is very fun! But that's only if you put GAME MODE on. This is optional to do, you don't have to do it, it's just something fun to use when you are outside of school and you can't do homework.
 Here are some instructions.

1. Log in your username and password
2. Then when you click enter you will seed subjects near the top Maths,Reading,and Writing
3. After you see the subjects, click onto one you want to do
4. Then when you click 1 of the activities it will show you View Lesson, Test Mode or Game Mode. 
View Lesson is when you are just viewing the lesson, you're not actually doing it
Test Mode is when you do it, and there is no game it's just mainly normal
Game Mode is when you get a certain amount correct, and then you play a game for about 5 minutes or maybe 3 rounds of a game.
5. Then you just do it

Extra Info About Learning Farm
If your parents tell you not do it and do something else you listen to them, not just say " Sorry, I can't, I am busy doing Learning Farm". If you get 90% or over it's 100% sure you will get a Gold medal, a Sliver Medal or a Bronze Medal. It doesn't matter if you don't earn a medal it's not about winning it's about learning and trying. 

Keep up the AWESOME  work going on Learning Farm each night!

By Nhu
