Calendar Art
Batteries not included🔋
Our calendar art was based Dr Seuss (Truffla Trees, colourful houses).
Setting: Art room, Room 13
First of all, we made a draft, some of us made multiple draft, lots of rulers needed since it was based on Dr Seuss, we added in Truffla Trees, and lots of cool looking houses, or structures.
Each of us had a town name ended with 'ville' for example, Radomville, Happyville,Jokeville and lots of other names ville.
Then we copied the draft onto a good piece of paper (calendar art paper), but sometimes it wasn't exactly the same with the normal draft.
Next we painted, but before that, we went to the art room with lots of different colours, we got really creative, and made lots of different colours, most people made brown, light blue, light red and lots of light colours, we painted for quite a while, Lots of detail but we couldn't paint in small areas.
When the paintings were dry we used permanent marker to mark the pencil lines, because the paint covered it was hard to see what it was because of the sky, that toke a really short time.
Then our master pieces are were done!
They were really good.
By Micah C
Room 13.
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