maths multiplacation

 We have been learning all different sorts of maths this year. But at the moment we have been doing  multiplication but the multiplication at the moment is times 10 times 100 times 1000... you might think this is easy but it's not.

The reason we did this is so we could have a strategy to solve multiplication problems and cooperate through our groups. And so we can be better at multiplication so when we are older we have no trouble.

For an example 32 times 6=192. I worked it out by doing 30 times 6=180 2 times 6=12 12+180=192 so here's another 1 examples. 19 times 4  how I will work this one out is like this 10 times 4 =40 and 9x4=36 then 36+40=76

                       By Marvin
