Year 6 Market Day

Image result for market dayYear 6 Market Day!


Image result for market day                                                           
The Year 6 market day was an absolute success with all those incredible things and even better , some things got all sold out!! The Year 6 market day was full of stuff to buy and it took place in the Year 5&6 common room and their classes! That must of been a lot of things! Yes that's right! The Year 5 students were so lucky to be buying all those incredible things. We had to be very good at maths because you had to be subtracting because, everyone started off with $10 to buy stuff and we had to fill in what we buy, what is the company from, how much we paid for it, also we had to write how much we had left. but we could ask the counters for help! 

Everyone bought lots of things by using their money very wisely. There were bath bombs, lip scrubs, diy's [ do it yourself] , raffle tickets, fluffy rocks, pencil holders, decorators for your room,  balloon squishies , friendship bracelets , emoji pillows, ninja stars, and much much more! It was a lot of fun and everyone enjoyed buying those awesome beautiful creative stuff!

The Year 5's are also excited to do it next year already, but we're already excited even though it's too early!

Post By Nhu 
The End!!
Image result for kids market dayImage result for bath bombsImage result for emoji pillowsImage result for small fluffy rocksImage result for ninja stars by paperImage result for balloon squishy
Image result for raffle ticketsImage result for animal pencil holders made out of a cup
